Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Taco Taco

Is it just me, or is walking into Taco Bell like stepping into a parallel universe? The food isn't Mexican, American, or even Mexican-American as far as I'm concerned. Once you get past the standard taco and burrito on the menu, you start wandering into a previously unimaginable world of culinary combinations.

Then there's the layout, the color scheme, decor, window signs, etc. Unlike most other fast food places, I couldn't differentiate 1 Taco Bell from another from the inside if I tried. I think after walking through those double-doors and past the candy machines and bathroom down the hall, your mind is wiped clean of anything on the outside. Suddenly you've entered a world where Mountain Dew tastes good and nacho cheese comes on a taco...or burrito...or "chalupa"...or a thousand other things I'm sure.

But what really gives me the willies is the employees.

Taco Bell has an uncanny way of attracting some of Earth's strangest inhabitants to work there. Inevitably the person who takes your order will either be the world's biggest fan of Insane Clown Posse or too short/old to operate the cash register.

Today I went there and the lady who helped me looked like this:

She was really nice and all, but each thing I ordered she repeated back to me like I was in the drive-thru.

Me: "I'll have a grilled chicken burrito."
Her: "ONE...CHICKEN....BURRITO" ( as she touches the screen)
Me: "Yeah, and a cheesy gordita crunch."
Me: "Yep. And a small drink."
Me: "Yeah that's it."

I used to work across the street from a Taco Bell and I'd go there just about every day for lunch. The girl who was usually behind the counter would always give me a free drink and a senior discount, and sometimes (if I was lucky) the entire meal free. That doesn't really support my theory, just an interesting anecdote while I'm thinking about Taco Bell.