Thursday, July 23, 2009

Genealogy - I am doing it?

I've been telling people for years that my great-great-great (or something like that) grandfather started the Salt Lake Tribune. I remember learning that when I was a kid, but I've never seen any solid evidence.

Then the other day there was an article in the Trib about the paper's history and it mentioned "Godbeites". My ancestor's name was William S. Godbe, so I did some tedious and painstaking research into the matter. I found this article on Wikipedia about Godbeites and this one about Godbe himself.

To those of you not in my family: I know it's boring to read about other people's heritage. But I found this fairly interesting as Godbe was a former Mormon who had major political differences with the church and used writing as his avenue of expression.

I doubt he was as good an artist as I am though.

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