Tuesday, September 30, 2008

7869 Steps (and counting)

So I'm eating a bowl of Corn Pops this morning and, naturally, I start reading the back of the box. (On that note, it's amazing how little it takes to interest one at the breakfast table. Ooo a 4x4 word search! Oh boy a coded message! Can I find all the spoons in this picture?) Anyway, I hadn't even moved on to the side panels of the cereal box (including the nutrition information) before I saw something that made me do a double-take: FREE STEP-COUNTER INSIDE THIS BOX!!! Not send 4 UPC's plus $2.99 shipping and handling; not enter to win the grand prize of a free step-counter, but the real thing just inside this very box! I hadn't been won over quite yet, however - I was still expecting some sort of dinky cardboard cut-out that you tally every time you take a step or something. Then I reached into the cereal (sorry Lindsay) and pulled out the finest free toy I've ever laid eyes on: an Adidas brand Snap, Crackle, and Pop pedometer.

If you think the world is going downhill fast, you're wrong. Don't believe me? Go buy a box of Corn Pops.

1 comment:

kari said...

Thats better Jake. Walk off your frustrations. I think we have a Tony the Tiger one.