Saturday, September 27, 2008

Instructions for Writing a Blog

1. Convince yourself that someone besides you is actually going to be interested in what you have to say.

2. (After you've accomplished #1): Reconsider.

3. Decide that even though no one cares, you'll still find some sort of fulfillment from posting your thoughts and opinions on the WORLD WIDE WEB and that, in and of itself, makes the whole experience worthwhile. As a mother of 3 children, after all, you've got to have something for yourself.

4. Repeat steps 1-3

5. Make you fall in love with me.

6. Because 7 ate 9.

7. Instead of spending too much time trying to be clever/witty, remind yourself that you're NOT funny and you therefore have no business attempting anything of the sort.

8. Break the ice with a fairly neutral entry, then feel free to begin ranting about everything from politics to religion.

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