Friday, February 6, 2009

Because I like beating dead horses

There's too much on my mind to coherently say what I want to about the gay rights situation in Utah, but I have to say something. I'm finding it harder and harder to respect opposing viewpoints on the matter, and it doesn't help when backlash movements like the Sacred Ground Initiative (as if we needed a reminder of their self-righteousness) pop up.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of the slippery slope. I don't want to be bit by a shark, so I don't even step foot in any state that borders an ocean. I'll die if I get too close to the sun, so I don't even jump. If I eat sushi I might get mercury poisoning, so I don't talk to anyone who's either from Japan or above middle class.

And just like my jokes, this is stupid. GROW UP EVERYBODY. Treat people like people and not parasites. No matter how conceited you are, others are not here to thwart your existence (with the exception of Wal-Mart execs and perhaps terrorists).

I'm going to feel completely vindicated when religious fanaticism shows up in the DSM.


Chino Blanco said...

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders? Right on.

Seriously, though, this is getting crazy. I'm not even from Utah, and y'all have every right to chart your own policy course, but some of the blather coming from Paul Mero and LaVar Christensen and Gayle Ruzicka and Chris Buttars (names I didn't even know until a few weeks ago), is just batshit insane.

These are not grown-ups. They need to be sent somewhere for a little quiet time while the adults take care of business.

Lindsay said...

I kind of like ass holes.