Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pet Peeves (I hate calling them that)

Do you ever look back at your life to this point and think, "Man, if I would have dedicated myself to something starting from when I was little, I'd probably be amazing at it by now." I sure do. It makes me think I should stop my helpless cynicism and decide right now I'm going to become incredibly talented at...something.

Then again, screw that. The world sucks too bad to approach life with such motivated optimism. I mean, there are still people who use the phrase "I could care less" without realizing that they mean the opposite. There are still people who couldn't put your, you're, there, their, and they're in the right context if their lives depended on it (like if they were POW's in Britain and wouldn't be released until they did). People insist on saying "Good times, good times" to fill in conversational gaps. And finally (for now), people will claim "It's not the fact that he stole my car, drove to my best friend's house to cheat on me with her, ran over my cat on the way home, and took a shit in the back's that he LIED to me about it."

And yes, you're right - it does say something that I have to put other people down for such inconsequential mistakes. It says that you need to stop being an asshole and realize these mistakes are not inconsequential.


Lindsay said...

omg. lol. roflmao. but seriously. i mean... you heard me.

Josh said...

Hey Jake, is that their picture an announcement? I mean, I could care less, but I'm just wondering. I guess maybe I shouldn't ask--that's you're business, none of mine.

Jeep said...

Haha...good one Josh. It's actually just a rare photograph of my life's humble beginnings.