Sunday, November 16, 2008

Poor Poor Me

I'm exhausted. I can't keep debating with people over the issues de jour. It's quite literally making me mentally and physically tired. I'm sick of reading stories in the news, involving myself in discussions with people on Facebook etc., posting silly exaggerations or satirations (is that a real word?) of my opinions on this blog. I'm glad the election is over and I think everyone could benefit by having one fewer person blabbering about his political persuasions. So unless something unexpectedly comes up and energizes me, I'm going to lay off the controversial stuff for a while. You're welcome.

And I think this is blogging faux-pas (I hope you're playing a drinking game with French-English adaptations) but I just remembered one more pet peeve...when people use the word "literally" simply to add emphasis to what they're saying. For example, "I was literally blown away by what you said." Really? You were LITERALLY picked up and carried away by the gust of wind the other person produced when they uttered the words they did? Come on.

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