Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tragic History

Something terrible happened tonight. Something absolutely horrifying took place right before my very eyes. I'm disappointed. No, disappointment is too weak a word for what I'm feeling. I feel cheated. I feel betrayed. I feel like nothing in the world could ever make up for what I've witnessed.

Tonight I turned on the TV to Comedy Central and Scrubs was on. The listing didn't say it was Scrubs; it said Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's Election Special would be on. But no, I watched in pure shock as Zach Braff and his stupid face sang some stupid song (then I turned it off as soon as I unfroze from my bewildered state).

Stuff like this kills me. Normally I can (and I do) avoid Scrubs when I see it on the guide, but this time they threw a curve at me. And everyone who knows me knows how much I hate baseball. I hate a lot of things I'm noticing. I bet I come across as very bitter and angry to anyone who reads this. OK, I'll try to be more positive. I'm POSITIVE that Scrubs is one of the worst TV shows ever sold as a "comedy" and that ever got 23 hours a day dedicated to it on Comedy Central. There's a long list of things I'd rather do than watch Scrubs, including transforming into a giraffe and having 1 of my legs sawed off. That would be both more satisfying and a lot funnier than watching Scrubs.

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